Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blog Post 2

"Did You Know"
The "Did You Know" video shows are how technology changes not just over a decade, but how it has changed over the past 2 years. We obviously know this is true, but I do not think people realize how fast it changes. Technology has changed the way we communicate and the way students are taught.
This video points out that there are over 200 million registered users on MySpace. This means that if MySpace were to become a country, it would be the 5th largest in the world. Another way we communicate is through text messaging. The number of text messages sent and received in a day exceeds the amount of the population of the planet. I definitely contribute to this! Today students are being taught for jobs that do not even exist. This amazes me. And just think, that in 2 years all this information could change because technology will have changed once again.

"Mr. Winkle Wakes"
Mr. Winkle wakes is about Rip Van Winkle who awakes from is 100 year long slumber. He is very surprised when he wakes up because everything has changed. Nothing is like it was when he fell asleep. Mr. Winkle goes to an office building, hospital, and school. At the office building and hospital he notices all this technology. Mr. Winkle is overwhelmed and goes to a school, where absolutely nothing has changed.
This video is talking about how technology has improved places such as office buildings and hospitals, but schools really have not been affected. Students are still taking notes while their teacher lectures. This is how it has always been, and even with the advancement of technology, it seems like this is how it's always going to be. For certain students, this type of teaching is effective, but for most it is not. Mr. Winkle notices that there is a computer in the school, but he can tell it hasn't been used. This is how it is in most schools, there are computers, but they aren't being used.

"The Importance of Creativity
Sir Ken Robinson points out in this video that creativity is just as important as literacy. He goes on to say that if children do not understand something, they will have go and say or do whatever. We must realize that children like to be creative and they are going to take that chance whenever they can. Robinson says that children are not afraid of being wrong, but as they get older, that fear of being wrong gets stronger. He goes on to say that we are educating people out of their creative capacities.
A simple way that educators squash creativity is by simply having a student copy the way the teacher has done something. Teachers should allow the students to create things in their own way. These days if students become fidgety in class, the are automatically assumed to ADD or ADHD. This may not be true, in some cases. That student just may be creative and their creativity is not being used. Teachers should allow more hand-on activities in the classroom instead of always lecturing. Doing more activities in the classroom may hold on student's attention better.

"Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts"
"Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts" is about Vicki Davis, a teacher, who does exactly what the title says. She allows her students to use what ever type of technology they need in the classroom. She allows groups to teach the class. If she says a new term in the class, she expects her students to google the word to find out the meaning.
This style of teaching is useful then the lecturing style of teaching. With technology changing the way it is, students need to know how to use it. They cannot learn how to use technology if they are taking notes with pencil and paper. By using technology in school and using different programs and software, students can come into contact with other students from around the world.


  1. Ali, You are right about how they diagnosis children with ADD when it is probably just that they are not being stimulated creatively. I was one of those students that the teachers bored to death with their lectures and then they put on prescriptions. The medicine didn’t really help but exploring my creative energies outside of school did. In your comment on "Harness Your Students Digital Smarts" you hit on a good point that students can’t learn how to use technology if they are taking notes. Vicki Davis’ type of classroom would be far more effective with educating this next generation. However with the state that school budgets are in and the economy I don't know how we could get computers for every student.

  2. Excellent post Ali!

    I like your writing style. You express your ideas clearly. Be sure you proof read. I saw several things that I know you would correct if you read the post again.

    Also, In your title, take the s off after the ' in your last name. Otherwise looks great. Keep up the good work. SS

  3. This is a very nice post, Ali.

    I agree with most of the statements that you made. I especially agree with your comments that Sir Ken Robinson made in the "...Creativity" post. Hands on activities and crafts are a way for the student to let their creativity run wild. I think this is good for all students.
