Saturday, October 16, 2010

Blog Post 8

"This is How We Dream"
This video was confusing for me. I did not fully understand what he was talking about. Miller talks about how we are at a very important change in human history. This change is how we communicate. We do not communicate through pencil and paper anymore. We communicate through something called media writing. Our desktop becomes our computer. It gives us the advantage to research wherever we go. Richard Miller's ideas in the first video were all incremental changes.
In the second video, he says the "we begin to realize that ideas do not belong to us individually but as a culture". I think it is true when Miller says "educators must share ideas freely." The second video was neat to watch. All the different programs that people use.
I am not ready for multimedia writing, if it is what he shows in these videos. I do know that I will have to learn how to do this. EDM310 is helping me with this. I also realize that I am going to have to continue learning about technology once I am out of EDM310. Multimedia writing is something that my students will be doing, I need to know how to do this.

Chipper Series

"The Chipper Series" and "EDM310 for Dummies"
The Chipper Series was a good video to watch. The present and future stuff as the beginning was very confusing. This video was an encouragement to not turn in things late. The video stresses how important it is to turn things in on time. It will affect how you will succeed in the future. EDM310 for Dummies would have been the first book bought for the semester. This video definitely sums up how I feel about this class. I am finally getting the hang of everything, now that the class is almost over. This book would have really helped though at the beginning of the semester.


I think Smartboards are a great for the classroom. Recently I was put in a 4th grade inclusion class for my field experience. The children went crazy when the smartboard turned on! They were constantly wanting the teacher to call on them so they could go and use it. Special education students do great with visuals, and a smartboard is a great visual. Not just special needs children take advantage from this. Other students enjoy it as well. There are many different ways of teaching with it, and different lessons that can be used. Yes, it is something new that teachers will have to learn how to use, but if it is a benefit for the students why wouldn't you want to learn. Here's the Link with positives about smarboards.


  1. Excellent post Ali!

    Dr. Miller is talking about a whole new way of reading, writing, and educating in general. He is envisioning what I believe we are headed for, an entire new concept of literacy. And as Dr. Miller indicated the pedagogy to teach and learn in this way has not even been invented yet. But, we are working on it. All of us in education are currently engaged in this educational/technological revolution whether we like it or not. Will you embrace it? I hope so. I know I do. It is an exciting time to be involved in education. SS

  2. I agree with you about your comments about "EDM310 For Dummies.The experience I have had with smartboards in classroom observation has been different because it has been with middle school age.They are more experienced with the technolgy in the classroom.
